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Mumin Kahveci has been Vice Director General since July 2009. He was graduated from Electronics and Communication Engineering in Yıldız University in 1984. He has started his career as engineer in General Directorate of Social Security Institution. He worked as engineer and chief in Eskişehir Aircraft Factory between 1986 and 1988. Then, he worked as visiting professor in England and America. He worked as lecturer in Ankara University between 1989-1992, in Kırıkkale University between 1992-1995 and in Başkent University between 1993-1996. Between 1995-2000, he served as Training Director and Director-in-Chief in Ankara Subway of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality. He held the Technical Vice Director-General’s office in Ulaşım A. S., a subsidiary of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, between 2000-2008. He served in the project of regulation and integration of fare collection system in public transport.