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Mayor for Technical and Environmental Affairs, Aarhus

Bünyamin Simsek was born in Turkey and came to Denmark at the age of 2. He was raised in Gellerupparken in western Aarhus. Simsek is a building engineer by training, but has been employed as cabin manager at Sterling Airlines for 9 years, been the office manager for Jobcenter Aarhus Center for 9 years.

Between 2000 and 2002 Simsek chaired the first Integration Council of Aarhus Municipality, he has been a member of the Aarhus City Council since 2001. Between 2011 and 2014 he was a member of the Regional Employment Council. He took over the post of Mayor for Technology and the Environment in 2012 after Laura Hay, the post was passed on in 2013. Since 2014 a member of the Municipalities Association of Labor and Labor Committees.

Head of Danish liberal party in Aarhus and Mayoral candidate.

Simsek has a son.